DSP Code examples

This file will be expanded in the future, to provide interested parties with some example code that was used in the development of the DSP Speech Processor.

These code examples shown here are for people interested in understanding how speech processing can be accomplished in DSP. These basic blocks work, but are shown as examples only and are not guaranteed to be error free or optimized. They must be initialized with the correct data structures in the dsPIC X and Y memory.

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IIR Biquad Filters

Updated 03/03/2016
This code example is for pipelined IIR Biquad filters. The code is modular, in that it can be used for any frequency, although a 32 bit version is needed at low frequencies to avoid severe IIR roundoff noise. These routines are designed to be used as a cascaded HPF/LPF pair. The second routine saves two data move instructions, as the data is already in the correct locations from the first routine. The filters have been used in a HPF/LPF cascade for a bandpass response, but other filter types are possible depending on the coefficients. Filter coefficients can be computed using various methods, including online resources.

The pointers must be initialized to point to the respective data or program memory locations before each macro is used. Data must be in the dsPIC X memory region, and coefficients must be in the dsPIC Y memory region.

Data buffer ordering:        (located in X memory)
inP    iir16A                ;Input previous HPF
inPP   iir16A                ;Input previous previous HPF
outP   iir16A = inP  iir16B  ;Output previous HPF & Input previous LPF
outPP  iir16A = inPP iir16B  ;Output previous previous HPF & Input previous previous LPF
outP   iir16B                ;Output previous LPF
outPP  iir16B                ;Output previous previous LPF

NEW Coefficient order is: B0,B1,B2,A1,A2, B0,B1,B2,A1,A2 (located in Y memory).

W8 is data pointer (initialized before each macro to point to inP above).
W10 is coefficient pointer (initialized before each macro to point to B0 above).

16 bit IIR filter - This filter must be placed first, to perform data moves on the input buffer.
.macro  iir16A
clr     A,[W8],W7,[W10]+=2,W5           ;clr A, read inP into W7, read B0 into W5 and advance
mov     W4,[W8++]                       ;write in into inP, (advance pointer to inPP)
mac     W4*W5,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;in x B0, read B1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=2,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inP x B1, read inPP into W6 and advance to outP, read B2 coeff into W5 and advance
mov     W7,[W8-2]                       ;write inP into inPP (back 2)
mac     W5*W6,A,[W8]+=2,W7,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inPP x B2, read outP into W7 (advance pointer to outPP), read A2 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=2,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;outP x A1, read outPP into W6 (advance pointer for next filter), read A2 coeff into W5 and advance for next filter
mov     W7,[W8-2]                       ;write outP into outPP
mac     W5*W6,A                         ;outPP x A2
sac.r   A,#-1,W4                        ;save result rounded
mov     W4,[W8-4]                       ;save output in outP

W4 = out = in
W6 = outPP = inPP
W7 = outP = inP
This means no data moves or reads are necessary in the input of the following filter.

16 bit IIR filter - This filter is placed second to save two data moves.
.macro  iir16B
clr     A,[W10]+=2,W5                   ;clr A, read B0 into W5 and advance
mac     W4*W5,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;in x B0, read B1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;inP x B1, read B2 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W6,A,[W8]+=2,W7,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inPP x B2, read outP into W7 (advance pointer to outPP), read A1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=2,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;outP x A1, read outPP into W6 (advance pointer for next filter), read A2 coeff into W5 and advance for next filter
mov     W7,[W8-2]                       ;write outP into outPP
mac     W5*W6,A                         ;outPP x A2
sac.r   A,#-1,W4                        ;save result rounded
mov     W4,[W8-4]                       ;save output in outP

The 32 bit filters follow the same pattern. The error feedback is loaded into the accumulator before the computation begins, and is saved at the end.
W3 holds the Accumulator low bits for loading and saving. It is now saved in the filter buffer.
As with the 16 bit filters, the iir32A stage is always placed before the iir32B stage for correct operation.

Data buffer ordering:       (located in X memory)
inP   iir32A               ;Input previous HPF
inPP  iir32A               ;Input previous previous HPF
errorAiir32A               ;Error feedback HPF
outP  iir32A = inP  iir32B ;Output previous HPF & Input previous LPF
outPP iir32A = inPP iir32B ;Output previous previous HPF & Input previous previous LPF
errorBiir32B               ;Error feedback LPF
outP  iir32B               ;Output previous LPF
outPP iir32B               ;Output previous previous LPF

Coefficient order is: B0,B1,B2,A2,A1, B0,B1,B2,A2,A1 (located in Y memory)

32 bit error feedback IIR filter. This filter must be placed first, to perform data moves on the input buffer
.macro  iir32A
mov     [W8+4],W3                       ;load error feedback into W3
clr     A,[W8],W7,[W10]+=2,W5           ;clr A, read inP into W7, read B0 into W5 and advance
mov     W3,ACCAL                        ;load error feedback into ACCAL
sftac   A,#1                            ;scale error feedback
mov     W4,[W8++]                       ;write in into inP, (advance pointer to inPP)
mac     W4*W5,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;in x B0, read B1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=4,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inP x B1, read inPP into W6 and advance to outP, read B2 coeff into W5 and advance
mov     W7,[W8-4]                       ;write inP into inPP (back 4)
mac     W5*W6,A,[W8]+=2,W7,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inPP x B2, read outP into W7 (advance pointer to outPP), read A1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=2,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;outP x A1, read outPP into W6 (advance pointer for next filter), read A2 coeff into W5 and advance for next filter
mov     W7,[W8-2]                       ;write outP into outPP
mac     W5*W6,A                         ;outPP x A2
sac     A,#-1,W4                        ;save result without rounding
mov     W4,[W8-4]                       ;save output in outP
;sac.r   A,#-1,W4                        ;save result rounded OPTIONAL
sftac   A,#-1                           ;scale error feedback
mov     ACCAL,W3                        ;save error feedback in W3
mov     W3,[W8-6]                       ;save error feedback NEW

W4 = out = in
W6 = outPP = inPP
W7 = outP = inP
This means no data moves or reads are necessary in the iir32B input, except for the error feedback.

32 bit error feedback IIR filter. This filter is placed second, to save two data moves.
.macro  iir32B
mov     [W8++],W3                       ;load error feedback into W3 NEW
clr     A,[W10]+=2,W5                   ;clr A, read B0 into W5 and advance
mov     W3,ACCAL                        ;load error feedback into ACCAL
sftac   A,#1                            ;scale error feedback
mac     W4*W5,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;in x B0, read B1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W10]+=2,W5             ;inP x B1, read B2 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W6,A,[W8]+=2,W7,[W10]+=2,W5  ;inPP x B2, read outP into W7 (advance pointer to outPP), read A1 coeff into W5 and advance
mac     W5*W7,A,[W8]+=2,W6,[W10]+=2,W5  ;outP x A1, read outPP into W6 (advance pointer for next filter), read A2 coeff into W5 and advance for next filter
mov     W7,[W8-2]                       ;write outP into outPP
mac     W5*W6,A                         ;outPP x A2
sac     A,#-1,W4                        ;save result without rounding
mov     W4,[W8-4]                       ;save output in outP
;sac.r   A,#-1,W4                        ;save result rounded OPTIONAL
sftac   A,#-1                           ;scale error feedback
mov     ACCAL,W3                        ;save error feedback
mov     W3,[W8-6]                       ;save error feedback NEW

These filters can be cascaded this way:
mov     #IIRbufferB1,W8  ;get data start address (in X memory)
mov     #BPFcoeffsB1,W10 ;get coeffs start address (in Y memory)
mov     Input,W4         ;get input
;output is in W4

This cascade causes the 32 bit error feedback to malfunction (cause unknown at this time):

Example Coefficients: These are repeated, to match the A/B/A/B hpf/lpf/hpf/lpf cascade above. They must be copied from program memory into Y RAM before execution.
Coefficient order is: B0,B1,B2,A2,A1, B0,B1,B2,A2,A1
.word   12288, -24576, 12288, 32393, -16016, 40, 80, 40, 31119, -14814        ;40Hz HPF   125Hz LPF
.word   12288, -24576, 12288, 32393, -16016, 40, 80, 40, 31119, -14814        ;40Hz HPF   125Hz LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 31119, -14814, 100, 200, 100, 29476, -13394     ;125Hz HPF  250Hz LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 31119, -14814, 100, 200, 100, 29476, -13394     ;125Hz HPF  250Hz LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 29476, -13394, 600, 1200, 600, 26232, -10951    ;250Hz HPF  500Hz LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 29476, -13394, 600, 1200, 600, 26232, -10951    ;250Hz HPF  500Hz LPF
.word   14000, -28000, 14000, 26232, -10951, 1500, 3000, 1500, 19970, -7335   ;500Hz HPF  1k LPF
.word   14000, -28000, 14000, 26232, -10951, 1500, 3000, 1500, 19970, -7335   ;500Hz HPF  1k LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 19970, -7335, 4000, 8000, 4000, 8335, -3567     ;1K HPF     2k LPF
.word   12000, -24000, 12000, 19970, -7335, 4000, 8000, 4000, 8335, -3567     ;1K HPF     2k LPF
.word   7000, -14000, 7000, 8335, -3567, 12000, 24000, 12000, -20000, -7000   ;2k HPF     4k4 LPF OK droops 1dB @4k
.word   7000, -14000, 7000, 8335, -3567, 12000, 24000, 12000, -20000, -7000   ;2k HPF     4k4 LPF OK droops 1dB @4k
.word   7000, -14000, 7000, 8335, -3567,   8000, 16000, 8000, -7084, -4817    ;2k HPF     3k LPF Chebychev peaky 0.5dB
.word   7000, -14000, 7000, 8335, -3567,   8000, 16000, 8000, -7084, -4817    ;2k HPF     3k LPF Chebychev peaky 0.5dB

Basic Compressor

Updated 26/05/2015
Updated 29/02/2016

Code for a simple compressor:

;Digital Audio Compressor by Daz, April 2013 (old code - no sidechain, no delayed recovery, not modular, not a macro, gain value smoothed before divider)
;Old code, non-optimized - May contain errors!
;No initialization or audio I/O shown, it is up to the programmer to provide this.
;Gain = (DivHI:DivLO)/(Smoothed absolute input value)
;Assign RAM locations for these:
.equ    Band0Peak               ;Assign memory location (word) = Measured level of audio input
.equ    Band0audio              ;Assign memory location (word) = Audio output of compressor
.equ    Band0Bufferpointer      ;Assign memory location (word) = Must be initialized to point to the start of the buffer below
.equ    Band0Buffer             ;Assign memory buffer start    = Data buffer for look-ahead. Needs a memory space that matches the length of Band0Buffersize + 1. Must end in 00.

.equ    Band0Buffersize 0x7F    ;Look-ahead buffer size value for a 0x80 length buffer (updated 29/02/2016) Needs to be a continuous binary pattern to work! (like 0x7F = 0111 1111)
.equ    Band0slewrate   100     ;slew rate value, higher numbers = faster
.equ    divlowB0        0x0000  ;divide low word value
.equ    divhighB0       0x0020  ;divide high word value (this value is chosen to keep the compressor output below saturation based on the amount of compshift used)
.equ    Band0gainlimit  8000    ;maximum gain value (this can be higher for more compression gain - up to 32767)
.equ    Band0leak       10      ;recovery value (this can be higher for a faster recovery but will increase ripple distortion)
.equ    compshift,      -4      ;compressor gain 24dB (6dB per bit shifted)

;Audio input data is in W0
mov W0,W6   ;copy new data

;put into circular buffer for look-ahead delay
mov Band0Bufferpointer,W2
;put I chan in buffer and advance
mov [W2],W5               ;read old data
mov W0,[W2++]             ;save new data
and #Band0Buffersize,W2   ;use modulo
mov #Band0Buffer,W1       ;base address
add W2,W1,W2              ;add base address
mov W2,Band0Bufferpointer ;save pointer

;check data polarity
btsc    W6,#15            ;check sign bit
neg W6,W6                 ;abs

btsc    W6,#15            ;check sign bit to fix 0x8000 (this may not be necessary)
mov    0x7FFF,W6          ;fix 0x8000

mov Band0Peak,W8
cp  W6,W8                 ;is current sample > saved peak?
bra leu,Band0nopeak1      ;if not

;instead of updating peak, slew towards it
mov #Band0slewrate,W7     ;get #Band0slewrate
;W6 > W8
sub W6,W8,W6              ;find error by subtracting W8 from W6
cp  W6,W7                 ;check that error is less than slewlimit
bra leu,Band0Errorok      ;if error < limit
mov W7,W6                 ;otherwise, make W6 = W7

add W6,W8,W8              ;add correction
mov W8,Band0Peak          ;update saved peak
mov W8,W7                 ;copy data

;compute a scaling factor for it
cp0     W7
bra    nz,notzero
inc     W7,W7             ;prevent divide-by-zero (updated 29/02/2016)

btsc    W7,#15            ;skip next if bit 15 is clear
mov     #0x7FFF,W7        ;set to max

mov #divlowB0,W8
mov #divhighB0,W9         ;reference value for inverse function
repeat  #17
div.ud  W8,W7

;if overflow is set, max out the result
bra nov,Band0noovf
mov #0x7FFF,W0            ;max
;result is in W0

mov #Band0gainlimit,W8
cp  W0,W8
bra ltu,Band0nolimit
mov W8,W0                 ;replace with limit
mov W0,W6

;scale the data
clr A
mpy W5*W6,A               ;scale -> Accumulator
sac.r A,#compshift,W0     ;store accu I

mov W0,Band0audio         ;save compressed audio
;Recovery time constant
;subtract Band0leak from Band0Peak, limit at zero
mov Band0Peak,W0          ;get smoothed signal value
sub #Band0leak,W0         ;decay value

;if it's now negative, make it zero
bra nn,Band0noclear
clr W0
mov W0,Band0Peak          ;save signal value

;End of basic compressor code

to be continuued...